Studying at Technische Universität Berlin

Five reasons for studying at Technische Universität Berlin

© Philipp Arnoldt

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Applying and enrolling

© Philipp Arnoldt

Study Programs

Whether it is a bachelor's or master's degree or a pre-study orientation program, you can choose from a variety of options at the TU Berlin.

Zwei Student*innen gehen aus Gebäude © Felix Noak

Applying and Enrolling

How does applying and enrolling at TU Berlin work? Learn more about the requirements and single steps.

© Philipp Arnoldt


Do you have questions about applying to the TU Berlin or about the courses? Feel free to contact our academic advisory.

Organizing your studies

© Felix Noak

TU Berlin University Library

Find resources, course offers, and work spaces, and use online resources: The Main Library, department libraries, and subject and institute libraries at Technische Universität Berlin offer a wide range of services.

© Oana Popa-Costea

Study Spaces at TU Berlin

There are a number of study spaces available at TU Berlin managed by different units. The rooms are open to all TU students and offer spaces for individual or group study, WiFi, and power outlets.

Student perspectives

© Monaco Energy Boat Challenge (MEBC)

The Vision of the WannSea Project Laboratory

From Berlin to the Mediterranean by boat: TU Berlin students looking to contribute to sustainable shipping and want to take part in the Monaco Energy Boat Challenge (MEBC) in July 2023.

© Felix Noak

Guidance from Students with First-Hand Experience

Anyone looking for authentic advice concerning their degree program should contact the course guidance service for their faculty. This is an advisory service provided by students for students and prospective students, Inken Czesla is one of them.

© Sethasa gGmbH

How We Can Teach and Learn Happiness

Students at TU Berlin's Institute of Vocational Education and Work Studies can learn how to teach happiness as a school subject. TU students Julia Heinecke and Paula Deutschland explain how.


Student commitment

© Oana Popa-Costea

Scrap Bike? No way!

The project “Aus Schrott mach Rad” (Bikes from Scrap) upgrades old scrappy bikes into “new” functional bikes, art, and furniture.

Anna and Fabio on their way to the canteen © Oana Popa-Costea

Become a Buddy

The buddy programs at Technische Universität Berlin bring together students from Europe and the rest of the world - Anna from Germany and Fabio from Italy are just one example.

© DBSV/Friese

Succeeding as a Blind Person in a Digital World for the Sighted

According to the Federal Statistical Office, there are 76,740 blind persons; 51,094 persons with severe vision impairment; and 452,930 people who are visually impaired in Germany. How can disabled persons can be included in the digital professional world? In a three-part podcast, TU students examine the everyday working life of people with visual impairments.

© Uta Konopka/DAAD

Student Ambassadors from TU Berlin

Kaunas, Mexico City or Santa Barbara: Approximately 20 TU Berlin students are part of a campaign titled “weltweit studieren - ERLEBE ES”. As correspondents, they offer a look at their student life abroad.