Applying and Enrolling at Technische Universität Berlin

Watch now - five reasons to study at TU Berlin © Philipp Arnoldt
Watch now - five reasons to study at TU Berlin. Note: Please turn on the English subtitles.

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As at every university in Germany, applying and enrolling at TU Berlin are two separate processes. You need to apply before you can enroll. The first step is to apply to Technische Universität Berlin. Once you have been accepted, you will be given a deadline for enrollment.

Be sure to find out in good time which steps are necessary for your degree program so that you can collect the documents you need and upload these by the deadlines. The following pages tell you everything you need to know to apply for and enroll in a degree program.

Further information

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Applying Within Exchange Programs

Students visiting TU Berlin on an exchange program should submit their application for a place as an exchange student at TU Berlin to Student Mobility and International Students. The staff there can also help with other issues such as health insurance, accommodation and making the most of studying at TU Berlin.

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Guest Auditors and Visiting Students

As a guest auditor or visiting student, you have the opportunity to attend courses at TU Berlin without having to enroll. As a visiting student, you will be already enrolled at another German university. Before attending courses, you must gain permission from the lecturer as well as the faculty. You may not attend if doing so would deny regular students the chance to participate.

© Philipp Arnoldt

Preparatory School

Prospective students with a non-German university entrance qualification not equivalent to a German Abitur do not directly qualify to study at a university in Germany. Such students are required to take an assessment test at a preparatory school before they can begin their degree program. The Preparatory School also offers a Propädeutikum or precourse. This provides technical German classes for students whose non-German qualifications entitle them to study directly at a university in Germany. Just as for a degree program, you must apply to attend the Preparatory School.